Media and Data Centers
In data and media centers, DTI provides engineering and deployment expertise, as well as documentation and training, for data transport and routing, security, and applications.
Managing the Flow
In data centers, DTI installs and configures systems that provision customers and their endpoint devices, including the STBs, MTAs, and eMTAs which are essential to delivering video, HSD and voice services. DTI also provides expertise in the security aspects of provisioning systems, including intrusion prevention. In addition, DTI has trained customer service representatives, assuring that both the provisioning systems and their use are optimized for operational effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
Typically, data flows in and out of the data centers over the same networks that carry HSD, video and voice services to the customers. Data center transport and routing is therefore part of DTI’s specialization in the design, engineering and deployment of converged networks.
Media centers are data centers which serve VoD and other forms of media. DTI provides engineering and deployment expertise for transporting and routing this bandwidth-intensive and QoS-challenging data over converged backbones.
Whether the traffic is MPEG, peer-to-peer, voice, email, internet or enterprise applications, DTI experts engineer solutions and deploy equipment to meet the needs of residential and commercial users.
Deployment Technologies Inc. provides end-to-end engineering and deployment expertise for broadband internet, VoIP, and video networks. We work in national backbones, NOCs, regional backbones, headends, VoIP COs, hubs, outside plant, labs, and other network locations. Engineering and EF&I are only two of our many services. Our expertise includes a wide range of equipment, vendors, technologies and applications.
IP and HFC engineering
Site survery and planning
Equipment installation, cabling, power-up
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